BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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1Back to top Go down   41.3 dia. K100 front fork Empty 41.3 dia. K100 front fork Sat Aug 12, 2023 12:19 pm


Silver member
Silver member
Can anyone point me to a 41.3 K100 fork diagram? The MAX BMW Parts Fiche diagrams shows two damper drawings and one fork leg drawing.


2Back to top Go down   41.3 dia. K100 front fork Empty Re: 41.3 dia. K100 front fork Sat Aug 12, 2023 1:00 pm


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Life time member
There were 2 version of that fork, based on the very good Marzocchi M1R.
The left tube is damping compression, the right one is damping rebound.
The 1st had classical "open" damper, with a stack of washers.
The 2nd had a cartridge damper.
The tubes are specific for each type and can't be mixed.
Use for exploded views.

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3Back to top Go down   41.3 dia. K100 front fork Empty 43.1 K100 fork Sat Aug 12, 2023 3:11 pm


Silver member
Silver member
jbt wrote:There were 2 version of that fork, based on the very good Marzocchi M1R.
The left tube is damping compression, the right one is damping rebound.
The 1st had classical "open" damper, with a stack of washers.
The 2nd had a cartridge damper.
The tubes are specific for each type and can't be mixed.
Use for exploded views.

Thanks. I will check it out.


4Back to top Go down   41.3 dia. K100 front fork Empty Re: 41.3 dia. K100 front fork Sun Aug 13, 2023 12:48 am


Life time member
Life time member
is there any way to id which forks you have from the outside , top etc , or is the only way to strip the forks ?


5Back to top Go down   41.3 dia. K100 front fork Empty Re: 41.3 dia. K100 front fork Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:31 am


Life time member
Life time member
AMHO, only by stripping the fork.

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