BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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1Back to top Go down   Hover conversion Empty Hover conversion Sat May 18, 2013 3:01 pm

Crazy Frog

Crazy Frog
Here is a good idea for Hover.
It can go on the water(and it floats). It could be wind powered by the addition of a fan. it's a sidecar sideboat.

Hover conversion Pow_wo10

Hover conversion Frog15Hover conversion Logo2101986 k75, 1985 K100rt, 1985 K100rt/EML GT2 sidecar, 1999 K1200lt/Hannigan Astro Sport sidecar.

2Back to top Go down   Hover conversion Empty Re: Hover conversion Sat May 18, 2013 5:31 pm

Rick G

Rick G
Will it still float upsidedown Hover conversion 44271

"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."   Dalai Lama

Bikes 1999 K1100 LT with a Big Block 1200

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